Saturday, September 12, 2009

In the Middle

The updated version of my animatic (kind of)

Sooo I've reformatted my computer and am having a few issues so please bare with me as I get over this lump. For 2 days all I've had is Maya and paint.. so I haven't even been able to edit footage...
In that time I tried my hand at fur and hair! I got some funny results:

ex. a

On my character Kobak, a model I made for Lee Wolland's 3D character design class.
The reason I'm doing this is because I am honestly considering making my
project in 3D. However it also never hurts to learn new things!

I'm currently in Riverdale at the moment.
When I get back to Brooklyn much scanning will happen.

I have re-made Father Death's character design!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Prospect Park Zoo

Friday, September 4th 2009.

*update in near future.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

A needed update!

So I felt I was in desperate need to update this again.
Senior project time!!!!!

any way here's a older version of my trailer, for now:

The reason I'm uploading it, is so that I show some example of more or less how I'm going to go about animating some of it!
I think blogspot's video converter is epic fail.. so I'll have to upload it to photobucket.
Which will consist primarily of Photoshop and Aftereffects.

Expect more tonight! In either the form of a post edit or new post.

Other things I've done over the summer:

a close up of:

Drawn using a wacom intuos 3 tablet done in photoshop.
I wonder if anyone is interested in seeing the process... if so I'll put it up.
I'm really trying to go in a more realistic style for this.

I also whiped up this I think yesterday:
it's a super quick color sketch inspired by one of skullmaster's videos from mexico. He's also hosting a really spiffy collage project which you guys should check out and participate in here.
this portrait was me experimenting coloring backwards.. using a technique that I've artists like Jason Chan use... Which is make the picture in black and white with all the gray tones then add color!